

The prevalence of cardiovascular disease is greater than many people realize, 它每年夺去的生命比所有癌症都要多.


The first sign of heart disease is often a 心脏病 or other serious event. 然而, there are a few important signs that can help you recognize heart problems before they become an emergency.

心 disease that involves your blood vessels is often signaled by:

  • 感觉好像有很重的东西压在你的胸口.
  • Chest pain (angina) – a sense of discomfort or squeezing in your chest that lasts for 30 minutes to a few hours.
  • 呼吸急促(气促)。 – difficulty catching your breath after moderate physical exertion, 就像爬楼梯一样.
  • 上半身不明原因的疼痛, 脖子, 和下巴, 和/或四肢的变化, 比如疼痛, 肿胀, 刺痛, 麻木, 冷淡, 和软弱.
  • 极度疲劳.
  • 比平常更快或更慢的不规则心跳.
  • 头晕或昏厥.

心 disease is the number one cause of death among adults of both sexes in the United States. 然而, between men and women, the risks, symptoms, and even the disease may be different.

如果你 are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above – do not wait – make an appointment to discuss them with your doctor.



To empower and educate our community about 心脏病s, we support a national program 呼叫。ed 早期心脏病护理(EHAC). 作为国家认可的胸痛中心, we have partnered with the American College of Cardiology to support this program.




    1. 了解心脏病发作的早期征兆.
    2. 呼叫。 9-1-1 立即 if you or others experience these signs or symptoms.
    3. 学习徒手心肺复苏.
    4. Make lifestyle modifications to reduce your risk for heart disease. 了解更多 about preventing heart disease by visiting our heart disease hub. 



    如果你, a friend or a loved one is experiencing early 心脏病 symptoms, 不开车去医院. 立即拨打911. 紧急 responders can provide lifesaving treatment to restore blood flow to the heart. Additionally, the EMS team can run tests that help your doctor to reach a diagnosis quickly.

    Spartanburg Regional EMS personnel work with our emergency department and 心脏 care teams to share critical information with the hospital before your arrival. This allows the team to prepare for your arrival and speed up treatment once you are at the hospital — often bypassing the emergency room and going straight to the 心导管实验室.



    一半有症状的人 心脏病, 快速治疗可以防止心脏受损.

    That’s why it is important to recognize the early indications that you, 或者你认识的人, 心脏病发作了吗 立即拨打9-1-1


    • Chest discomfort, like pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain, in the center of the chest
    • Chest discomfort that lasts more than a few minutes, or that goes away and comes back
    • 冷汗
    • 头晕
    • 恶心想吐。
    • Pain or discomfort in one or both arms, or the back, 脖子, jaw or stomach
    • 呼吸急促,伴有或不伴有胸部不适



    女性可能有 心脏病发作的症状与男性不同. 事实上, some women do not have any of the “classic” 心脏病 warning signs, 比如胸痛或手臂痛.


    • 背部疼痛
    • 胸痛或不适
    • 下巴疼痛
    • 极度和/或不寻常的疲劳
    • 呼吸急促(气促)。
    • 恶心想吐。
    • 呕吐

    相信你的直觉:如果感觉不对劲, 呼叫。 9-1-1 立即.



    As many as 90 percent of people who experience 心脏 逮捕 outside of a hospital may not survive, 根据美国心脏协会(AHA). 这是一些令人震惊的统计数据. 值得庆幸的是, giving or receiving hands-only CPR before emergency medical services (EMS) arrives can double or triple a person’s chance of survival during 心脏 逮捕.

    如果你 see a teenager or adult collapse and suspect they may be experiencing 心脏 逮捕:

    • 呼叫。 9-1-1 立即.
    • Push hard and fast on the middle of their chest approximately 100 to 120 times per minute until EMS arrives.
    • 按照快节奏歌曲的节奏进行压缩. 美国心脏协会推荐比吉斯乐队的《澳博app注册》(Stayin’Alive), 约翰尼·卡什的《澳博app》, 或者碧昂斯和Jay-Z合作的《澳博app注册》.

    婴儿, 孩子们, 和溺水者, 药物过量, 或者因为呼吸问题而晕倒的人, the AHA recommends using CPR with chest compressions and breaths.  


    看这个 45秒的视频 学习如何进行徒手心肺复苏术.



    减少你的 心脏病风险 美国心脏协会的“生活很简单”

    1. 降低血糖
    2. 吃得更好
    3. 得到积极的
    4. 控制胆固醇
    5. 减肥
    6. 控制血压
    7. 停止吸烟

    看这个 video to learn more about knowing your numbers and vital signs.


    Your heart rate is the number of times your heart beats per minute. Your target heart rate is the number of beats that is safe for your heart when you do exercise. 当你做有氧运动时,知道这一点很好. 这是一项让你的心跳加快的活动. 它包括散步和跑步. 它包括骑自行车和游泳. Your target heart rate is a percentage of what your maximum heart rate should be. The more fit you are, the faster your heart rate can safely go. This calculator uses your age and fitness level to figure out your target heart rate.


    Body mass index (BMI) is a way to figure out your weight category. 了解你的BMI指数 is a way to tell if you are at a healthy weight, are underweight, or overweight. The higher your BMI, the greater your risk for weight-related health problems. 用CDC的这个工具计算你的BMI. 


    你知道你患高血压的危险因素吗? 对于一些危险因素,你无能为力. 但其他风险因素是可以改变的. Learn about the risk factors for high blood pressure by taking this quiz.

    学习如何测量你的血压 阅读本文 or 观看这个循序渐进的视频.  


    如果你 are a smoker, quitting is one of the best things you can do for your heart and health. Talk to your doctor about smoking cessation help or 呼叫。 the South Carolina Quitline at 1 - 800 -现在戒烟(1 - 800784-8669).


    小剂量的压力并不是坏事. 压力可以挑战你做到最好. But too much stress can affect both your emotional and physical health. Learning what brings on stress in your life is the first step toward managing it. This risk assessment will help you identify your life "stressors."

    一旦你了解了你的生活压力源, 学习更多关于你如何应对压力的知识


    Talk to your doctor about these lifestyle modifications at your next annual physical.

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